
Catering for people living in care who are vegetarian and vegan

A recent survey estimated there are now 7,000 vegetarians and vegans in residential and nursing care homes in the UK and the number of vegans has more than doubled since 2014.

Vegetarian for Life is a UK charity who are committed to supporting care homes and food suppliers to provide the best possible catering for their people living in care who are vegetarian and vegan.

Care home services can use these resources to support good nutritional care for people experiencing care and can also display the Code of Good Practice poster in their kitchen and dining areas for catering and care staff as a reminder of good practice.

Their helpful guides/resources are listed below. 

Dietary diversity in the care sector

This is a good practice guide for staff caring for people who have food allergies, intolerances, or auto immune diseases. There is also information on supporting people who have dietary requirements relating to their religious, cultural or philosophical beliefs.

You can access it here.

Nutrition for older vegetarians and vegans

This resource offers advice on how to ensure the nutritional needs of vegetarians and vegans living in care homes are met.

You can access it here.

Vegetarian for Life code of good practice poster

The Vegetarian for Life Code of Good Practice is a poster which is designed to be used as a handy quick reference listing which foods are/aren't vegetarian/vegan. 

You can access this here.

Memory care and inclusivity pledge

Vegetarian for Life is proud to announce the launch of a Memory Care Pledge that will be taken by care homes up and down the UK.

This is to help ensure that vegetarians or vegans who have capacity issues, or cognitive losses, will be offered a choice of meals, drinks and snacks that uphold their ethical beliefs.


Vegan texture-modified, A collection of vegan and vegetarian recipes, perfect for vegan, vegetarians or those with egg or milk allergies, who need a texture-modified diet.

Veganising classic dishes, Fourteen tasty, traditional and classic dishes to inspire those new to vegan catering.

Vegan baking, Discover how to create a range of tasty vegan bakes. 

Lunch club caterers, Top tips for simple, tasty, recipes for lunch club caterers.