Children and young people

Do you work with children or young people?

Browse resources most relevant to your setting. 

Girl eating

Adoption, fostering and kinship care

Adoption, fostering and kinship care, including adoption or fostering agencies and providers regulated by the Care Inspectorate.

Early learning and childcare

All early learning and childcare settings regulated by the Care Inspectorate, including school-aged childcare and childminders.

Care homes for children and young people

Residential services that ensure the needs of children and young people are met when they cannot live with their own family


Professional childcare workers who work from their own homes to provide a childcare service for other people's children in a family setting

Community planning and commissioning

Community Planning Partnerships, Integrated Joint Boards, Local Authorities and others involved in the strategic provision of social care and social work services

Out of school care

Services offering daycare of school-aged children, such as breakfast clubs, after school services, holiday clubs and play services

Playgroups and nurseries

Daycare provided for infants and toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-aged children in a centre-based facility, such as a nursery, playgroup or afterschool club

School care accommodation

School care accommodation covers a wide range of schools with residential accommodation, from boarding schools to residential schools that meet individual care and education needs

Secure care accommodation

Scotland has five dedicated secure care units that provide a safe and secure environment to young people at risk of harming themselves or others

Short breaks and respite care

Short breaks and respite care should provide a positive experience for you and a break for carers from the main caring tasks, providing an opportunity to have a break from your usual routine.

Latest children and young people bulletin

A weekly bulletin produced by our policy team providing an update on the key developments concerning children and young people.

Children and Young People Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024

Children and Young People Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024

Children and Young People Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024