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Care Inspectorate


Adult & Health Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024


Adult and Health Bulletin

A weekly bulletin produced by our policy team providing an update on the key developments in adult social care and health

Care Inspectorate


Children and Young People Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024


Children and Young People Bulletin

A weekly bulletin produced by our policy team providing an update on the key developments concerning children and young people

Care Inspectorate


Registering and running a childminding service: what you need to know



This booklet is designed to help you if you are applying to register a childminding service or you are already running a childminding service. It explains the requirements of the Care Inspectorate so that you can make sure you meet them before you register your service. It also...

Quality improvement programmes and topics

Quality improvement activity led by the Care Inspectorate, including recent practice resources and initiatives

Health and Social Care Standards

The Health and Social Care Standards set out what we should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland

National strategies and frameworks

A library of publications by the Scottish Government and other national bodies setting out relevant policy developments or direction

Latest children and young people bulletin

A weekly bulletin produced by our policy team providing an update on the key developments concerning children and young people.

Children and Young People Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024

Children and Young People Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024

Children and Young People Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024

Latest adult and health bulletin

A weekly bulletin produced by our policy team providing an update on the key developments in adult social care and health.

Adult & Health Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024

Adult & Health Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024

Adult & Health Bulletin: 6 - 12 September 2024

Self-directed support library

A selection of resources that explain what SDS is, the Standards for good SDS, people’s stories, assessment and support planning tools as well as resources to influence commissioning and procurement practice to make SDS truly mainstream across Scotland

View Library

Directory of continuous professional learning for early learning and childcare

A directory of local and national training and development opportunities available to the early learning and childcare workforce

View Directory