Animal magic
A resource celebrating the amazing difference being around and caring for animals makes for many children and adults using a range of care services.
Arts in care
A practice resource to inspire and enable you to support older people to enjoy engaging in creative arts and improve their health and wellbeing.
Bringing generations together
Good practice examples to give care services ideas on how to bring generations together in a variety of care settings in a way that improves the quality of their lives.
Care home improvement programme
The Care Inspectorate, (supported by the Scottish Social Services Council), supports adult care homes in Scotland by delivering a national quality improvement programme.
Dementia resources and guidance
The new dementia strategy for Scotland: Everyone's Story was launched in May 2023. The strategy is a 10-year vision for change. Here you'll find up-to-date information, resources and guidance to help you in supporting people living with dementia.
Early learning and childcare improvement programme
A national quality improvement programme to support early learning and childcare settings who offer funded places and are not currently meeting the ‘quality criteria’ in the new National Standard
Eating and drinking well in care: good practice guidance for older people
Good practice guidance with information on older people's dietary needs and related food and fluid requirements
Film in care
The Film in Care resource provides a practical guide on how to present film to people living in care homes in a way that will be most beneficial to them. It has been written in partnership with two Dundee University researchers who carried out their own original research on this topic.
Food matters
A resource celebrating the many ways in which early learning and childcare settings are supporting children to have positive eating experiences and enjoy well-balanced, nutritious food.
Gender equal play in early learning and childcare
An improvement resource promoting gender equality in how children experience early learning and childcare.
Growing a good life
This Care inspectorate programme will involve a range of care specialists and AHP professionals in achieving wellbeing at a universal level within care settings
Keeping children safe
Let’s keep children safe by raising awareness of how, and why, they could leave a childcare setting without a responsible adult.
Me, my family and my childcare setting
A practice note for building stronger connections and meaningful relationships.
My active world
This resource offers a wealth of fun ways to be physically active. By highlighting examples of good practice, we aim to promote a culture where everyone can learn from each other.
My childminding experience
A resource sharing and celebrating examples of how children of all ages can benefit from being cared for by childminders across Scotland.
My life, my care home
Findings and practice examples following a year of focused inspection activity relating to the experiences of people with dementia in care homes
My world outdoors
A practice resource highlighting the benefits of outdoor play for children attending early learning and childcare.
Our creative journey
A resource featuring good and innovative practice examples of expressive arts in early learning and childcare.
Personal planning guides for providers
These guides are for managers and their staff to help improve how personal planning is undertaken
Quality improvement tools and resources
Quality improvement is the term used to cover specific activities that can improve the quality of care. The aim of improvement activity in care services is to make the care you provide better.
Safe staffing programme
Supporting care services to prepare for enactment of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019.
Space to grow
A resource to help early learning and childcare (ELC) and out of school care (OSC) services the best they can be in terms of design.
Supporting people's wellbeing
All resources take an improvement and person-centred approach. They focus on supporting people to stay active, connected, and doing things that matter to them, regardless of their health or age.
Technology enabled care
With technology taking an increasing important role within social care, the Care Inspectorate has a vital role supporting improvement in this fast-growing area of practice.
Visiting, meaningful connection, Anne’s Law
Every adult and older person living in a care home has the right to connect with family, friends and community.