Little girl with dandelions
Author Care Inspectorate
Date 29/05/2024
Resource Type Care Inspectorate Programmes & Publications

Me, my family and my childcare setting

This practice note and guide for families emphasises the critical importance of meaningful relationships and strong connections beginning with families accessing their childcare setting. Both are designed to highlight the importance of families being physically present in their child’s setting as part of their daily experiences.  

We share practice examples and insights from childminders, early learning and school age childcare staff, that outline their own experience of supporting a family centred culture within their childcare settings. We promote relevant childcare research and policy as a powerful tool for fostering a positive, family-centred culture. 

Families have also contributed their views and experiences in the development of Connecting with your childcare setting: A guide for families.

Both the practice note and the guide for families should be used to consider the benefits of families accessing their child’s setting free of limitation and explore the impact of families not feeling connected to their child while attending their childcare setting. 

These resources complement the suite of Care Inspectorate practice notes that already support improved outcomes for children and families across the childcare sector, including our SIMOA campaign, which raises awareness of how and why children could leave a childcare setting or be unaccounted for while in its care. 

Download the practice note and guide below: