Quality framework for childcare agencies_Page_01
Author Care Inspectorate
Date 09/10/2024
Resource Type Care Inspectorate Publication

A quality framework for childcare agencies introducing and supplying childcare staff

The primary purpose of a quality framework is to support services to evaluate their own performance. The same framework is then used by inspectors to provide independent assurance about the quality of services. Our frameworks are tested and evaluated to hear the views of children and people experiencing care, their carers and care providers. They are also kept under review to ensure they reflect any changes in the wider social care landscape. All of this helps us refine our
frameworks and the way we use them.

We have also produced a set of self-evaluation tools to support services to assess how well they are doing against key areas from our quality framework and highlight where they need to support improved outcomes for children

Key question 1: How well do we support children’s care, play and learning?

Quality indicator 1.1. Staff nurture and support children’s care, play and learning

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma

Additional support for learning

Children & Young People’s Commissioner, Convention on the Rights of the Child

Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers (SSSC)

Common Core Skills and National Occupational Standards (SSSC)

Early years safe sleep guide

Food matters

Getting It Right For Every Child

Health and Social Care Standards

Human rights in Scotland

Keeping children safe

Personal planning guides for providers

Pre-Birth to Three: Professor Aline-Wendy Dunlop - Transitions

SSSC open badges

Step into leadership - Scottish Social Services Council

The Framework for Continuous Learning in Social Services (SSSC)

Transforming Psychological Trauma: A Knowledge and Skills Framework for the Scottish Workforce

Workforce information


Quality indicator 1.2: Children are safe and protected

Child protection

National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021

Keeping children safe practice notes

ELC national induction resource

Management of medication guidance

Infection prevention and control

Prevention of choking

Safer recruitment guidance

My World Outdoors

Accident prevention guidance (ROSPA)

Managing risk in play

Royal society for the prevention of accidents - Keeping kids safe

Health and Social Care Standards

Supervision – Scottish Social Services Council

SSSC open badges

SSSC codes of practice

The Framework for Continuous Learning in Social Services (SSSC)

Transforming Psychological Trauma: A Knowledge and Skills Framework for the Scottish Workforce

Workforce information

Records that all registered care services (except childminding) must keep and guidance on notification reporting


Key question 2: How good is our leadership and staffing?

Early learning and childcare improvement programme

NES Quality improvement learning and tools

Improvement support booklet

Duty of Candour guidance

National Occupational Standards (NOS):

Leadership Development Activities – Scottish Social Services Council

Improving children and young people’s understanding of their wellbeing

Supervision – Scottish Social Services Council

SSSC open badges

Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers (SSSC)

The Framework for Continuous Learning in Social Services (SSSC)

Common Core Skills and National Occupational Standards (SSSC)

Transforming Psychological Trauma: A Knowledge and Skills Framework for the Scottish Workforc

Workforce information

Records that all registered care services (except childminding) must keep and guidance on notification reporting


Quality indicator 2.2. Staff are used effectively to meet the needs of children and families

Bringing generations together

Children & Young People’s Commissioner, Convention on the Rights of the Child 

Children's Rights

Family engagement

Family learning and engagement

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidance

Human rights in Scotland

Improving children and young people's understanding of their wellbeing

Independent Care Review

Involving children in improving services

Meaningful participation for children and young people

Parents as partners in their children’s learning toolkit

Partnerships and Co – conversation openers

SSSC Leadership Development Activities

SSSC Step into leadership

The Children’s Parliament

The Promise