Resource Type Quality Frameworks

A quality framework for nurse agencies

The primary purpose of this quality framework is to support services to evaluate their own performance.  It is then used by inspectors to provide independent assurance about the quality of care and support.  By setting out what we expect to see in a high-quality service, we can also help support improvement. 

We have also produced a set of self-evaluation tools to support services to assess how well they are doing against key areas from our quality framework and highlight  where they need to support improved outcomes for people.

Within the framework we have included a scrutiny toolbox, which provides examples of the scrutiny actions we may use in evaluating the quality of provision.  The resources below are key practice documents that we think will help care services in their own improvement journey.  These are listed under each relevant key question.

Key question 1. How well do we support people’s wellbeing?


Quality indicator 1.1 People’s rights are promoted and respected 

Key improvement resources 

 The Health and Social Care Standards 

Mental Welfare Commission resources 

World Health Organisation – Quality rights: Promoting the rights of people with mental health conditions, psychosocial, intellectual, and cognitive disabilities 

Scottish Human Rights Commission:  Good practice guide 

Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) 

Raising concerns: Guidance for nurses, midwives and nursing associates 

The Keys to Life   

Autism strategy for Scotland  

Mental Welfare Commission guidance 

– personal plans 

– advance statements 

– power of attorney  

– supported decision making 

Publications | Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland (mwcscot.org.uk)


Quality indicator 1.2 People’s health and wellbeing benefits from their care and support. 


Autism strategy for Scotland 

Clinical guidance for care at home, housing support and sheltered housing 

Dementia learning and promoting excellence 

Essentials of safe care  

General standards for neurological care and support 

Guide for providers on personal planning 

Healthcare Improvement Scotland: Guidance on anticipatory care planning 

Healthcare Improvement Scotland: Infection prevention and control standards 

Mental Welfare Commission guidance 

– personal plans 

– advance statements 

– power of attorney  

– supported decision making 

National infection prevention and control manual (NICPM) 

Notifications about controlled drugs: Guidance for providers (2015) 

Pocket book for use in social care: Preventing Infection in Social Care Settings (including community, care home and homely settings) 

Principles for nurse agencies 

Professional guidance on the administration of medicines in healthcare settings 

Professional guidance on the safe and secure handling of medicines 

Prompting, assisting and administration of medication 

Public Health Scotland:  Health and Social Care Guidance 

Public Health Scotland: COVID-19: Information and guidance for social, community and residential care settings 

Record keeping 

Resources on the management of medication 

The Code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates 

The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Zone and SIPCEP foundation layer  

Trauma informed practice – National trauma training plan and resources 

Key question 2. How good is our leadership and staffing?

Quality indicator 2.1. Safer recruitment principles, vision and values positively inform practice. 

Code of practice for international recruitment 

Guidance for providers and applicants on aims and objectives 

Health and social care integrated workforce plan 

Health and social care national workforce strategy 

National Safer Recruitment Guidance  

NMC guidance for employers 

Scottish Code of Practice for the international recruitment of health and social care personnel 

TURAS Leadership and Management Programmes 

Values based recruitment 

 Quality indicator 2.2. Quality assurance and improvement is led well.  

 Care Experience Improvement Model (CEIM)  

Clinical and care governance framework 

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidance 

Guidance on development of policy and procedure 

Guidance on the registration of nurse agencies

Healthy workplace toolkit for nurse agencies 

Information Commissioner’s guide to data protection, including GDPR   

Managing concerns and making referrals 

NMC employers guide to managing concerns 

Professional indemnity guidance 

Records that all registered care services (except childminding) must keep and guidance on notification reporting 

TURAS Leadership and Management Programmes  

Quality indicator 2.3. Staff have the right skills and are confident and competent.  

Advice for agency workers, including training and revalidation information 

Clinical supervision resource 

NMC code of practice 

NMC standards of proficiency for registered nurses 


How we support improvement

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