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Author Care Inspectorate
Date 05/03/2024
Resource Type Self Evaluation Tools

Key question 7 for secure accommodation services

Our children and young people’s inspection teams began using key question 7 in April 2022.  As part of everyone's journey to meet the Promise, we reviewed key question 7 with inspectors, young people who experience or have experienced care and providers to evaluate the impact it was having and how well it was supporting the sector to self-evaluate its own performance.  We have made some changes as a result of this review and agreed that we will continue to use key question 7 for inspections from April 2024 onwards. 

QI 7.1: Children and young people are safe, feel loved and get the most out of life

An Independent Guide to Quality Care for Autistic People 

Animal Magic: The benefits of being around and caring for animals across care settings

Bairns’ Hoose Final Standards

Care Homes for Children and Young People – The Design Guide

Celebrating Success: What helps looked after children succeed

Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014: Part 11

Children and Young People (Scotland) Act (2014): Guidance on Part 11: Continuing Care

Children and Young People (Scotland) Act (2014): Guidance on Part 10: Aftercare

Child Sexual Exploitation: Definition and Practitioner Briefing Paper

Creating a Tobacco Free Culture

Children and Young People (Scotland) Act (2014): Guidance on Part 10: Aftercare

Continuing Care and Co: Conversation Openers

Designing with Care Interior Design and Residential Childcare

Food fortification for vegans

Food Practices in Residential Children's Homes: The Views and Experiences of Staff and Children: A Resource Handbook for Reflection

Go Outdoors! Guidance and good practice on encouraging outdoor activities in residential childcare

Guidance for Care Providers in Scotland using CCTV

Guidance for children and young people’s services on the inclusion of transgender including non-binary young people

Guidance for providers on the assessment of staffing levels in: premises-based care services

Guidance for services on the provision of continuing care

Guidance on Health Assessments for Looked After Children and Young People in Scotland

Guidance on Looked After Children placed in Residential Establishments – Looked After and Accommodated Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009, Part 9, regs 34 & 35

Guidance on personal plans - Children and young people

Guide to youth justice in Scotland: Policy, practice and legislation: Section 3: Theory and Methods

Health and Social Care Standards

Health promotion guidance: Nutritional guidance for children and young people in residential care settings

Health resource pack for staff and care Insights: Children, Food and Care

Holding Safely: A Guide for Residential Child Care Practitioners and Managers about Restraining Children and Young People

Information from the Scottish Human Rights Commission

Insights: Attachment-informed Practice with Looked after Children and Young People

Insights: Supporting Positive Relationships for Children and Young People who have Experience of Care

Insights: Trauma Sensitive Practice with Children in Care

Key Messages for Young People on Healthy Relationships and Consent

Keys to Life 

Learning Disabilities and Behaviour that Challenges: Service Design and Delivery

Managing Medicines in Care Homes (NICE)

My Anticipatory Care Plan

National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021

National Missing Persons Framework for Scotland

On Risk

Parental rights and responsibilities under Children (Scotland) Act 1995

Playing it Safe

Position paper -Depriving and restricting liberty for children and young people in care home, school care and secure accommodation services

Practice Guide: Involving Children and Young People in Improving Services

Practice Guide: Suicide prevention for looked after children and young people

Practice Guide: Supporting professionals to meet the needs of young people with learning disabilities who experience, or are at risk of, child sexual exploitation

Practice guide to chronologies

Principles of Good Transitions 3

Prompting, assisting and administration of medication in a care setting: guidance for professionals

Responding to offending in residential childcare – Next steps

Rights: Information for young people looked after away from home

Rights: Information for young people who are looked after in secure care

Rights, risks and limits to freedom

Safe Administration of Medication: Modules 1-3

See, Think, Act (Royal College of Psychiatrists Centre for Quality Improvement)

7 Golden Rules for Participation and other rights information

Staying put Scotland: providing care leavers with connectedness and belonging

The Independent Care Review

The Scottish Care Leavers Covenant

The Support and Assistance of Young People Leaving Care (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2015

Throughcare and Aftercare Services in Scotland’s Local Authorities: A National Study

Understanding Personal Outcomes

Who Cares? Scotland

QI 7.2: Leaders and staff have the capacity and resources to meet and champion children and young people’s needs and rights

Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, asp 8

Guidance for providers of care homes for children and young people on the emergency relaxation of conditions of numbers

Information about health and safety at work

Information Commissioner’s advice on data protection, including GDPR

Insights: Achieving Effective Supervision

Leading for Outcomes

Leading for Outcomes: Children and Young People (IRISS)

National Occupational Standards

National Guidance for the External Management of Residential Child Care Establishments in Scotland

Notifications about Controlled Drugs: Guidance for Providers

Organisational Duty of Candour

Personal outcomes collaboration

Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, asp 8

Records that all registered children and young people’s care services must keep and guidance on notification reporting

Report on distance placements

Scotland Works for You

Self-evaluation for improvement: Your guide

Stand up for Siblings

Staying together and connected: getting it right for sisters and brothers: national practice guidance

Step into Leadership

Supervision learning resource

Text to complain service for children and young people

The Code: Professional Standards of Practice and Behaviour for Nurses, Midwives and Nursing Associates

The National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan

The Model for Improvement and associated resources

The Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (Requirements for Care Services) Regulations 2011, SSI 2011/210

The Standard for Full Registration Mandatory Requirements for Registration with the General Teaching Council for Scotland