Alliance Sensory
Author Scottish Sensory Hub
Date 24/04/2024
Resource Type Self-directed Support Library

Accessible information on Self-directed Support – lived experience research report

the ALLIANCE has published a report on peoples’ experiences of accessible information around SDS and social care. This work was completed on behalf of Scottish Government, and reflects the experiences of people who are Deaf, Deafblind, and who have Visual Impairments.


The full report, a summary, and a BSL video (with captions and voiceover) of the findings are available here.

The ALLIANCE recently completed a consultation on behalf of the Scottish Government to inform the implementation of the SDS improvement plan 2023-27. The findings of that research are now available in a report.

One key activity in the SDS Improvement Plan is to ensure the provision of accessible information and communication around SDS. This includes communication and support planning and promotion and signposting of appropriate tools and language services.

From December 2023 to February 2024, the ALLIANCE carried out a small-scale mixed methods research project (a national online survey, focus groups, and one-to-one interviews). The national online survey, focus groups, and interviews covered people’s experiences of accessible information around SDS, and reflections on what works well, what does not work well, and what needs to change.