Personal Assistant Programme Board Research
Please find links below to some research which is relevant for Personal Assistants. See also the Personal Assistant Programme Board web-page.
The impact of Covid-19 on people who employ social care personal assistants - Leverton, M., Samsi, K., Woolham, J. and Manthrope, J. The British Journal of Social Work, 53(2), pp. 1243–1262. (2022) ‘I have enough pressure as it is, without the worry of doing something wrong because of ignorance’
Study of the workforce and employment issues surrounding Self-directed Support - Reid Howie Associates (2010) Scottish Government Social Research.
The Forgotten Workforce: Recruiting and Retaining Personal Assistants – A survey of people supported by a Personal Assistant - Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) (2022)
Individual Employer Pay Scale Report: Survey & Interview Findings - Thompson, J. and Pickering, S. (2021) Sheffield City Council.
Who Cares? The experience of social care workers, and the enforcement of employment rights in the sector - Nye Cominetti (January 2023) Research on the social care workforce in England with findings and recommendations for PAs
Personal assistants in England and the factors associated with absenteeism - Roland, Allan, Chambers, Smith, Gousia (October 2022) Article drawing on survey data collected from England in pre-COVID-19 times
Self-directed Support and Personal Outcomes - Danica Minic and Amy Smith, Research Works Limited (July 2022) Research published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to increase understanding and awareness of the issues in relation to achieving personal outcomes through Self-directed Support, and how this relates to equality
Personal Assistance in Sweden - Westberg, Kenneth, Berg Susanne, Dr. Adolf Ratzka. 2012. International evidence of Personal Assistance in Sweden
Model National Personal Assistance Policy - Dr. Adolf Ratzka. 2004.