Price £50
Delivery Type Online
Training Provider Broxburn Family Centre

Food Safety (level 2)

this internet based course covers basic food handling and preparation.  The course covers Food Safety, Hazards and Personal Hygiene to name but a few.  Training manual will be issued to support you to complete the course online.  On completion of the course you will be able to print off your certificate.  The course is completed on-line and can take around 3-5 hours to complete.

Training Provider Overview

We specialise in creating and delivering engaging, participative and inspiring play training.  Our training centre is SQA approved to deliver qualifications in Childcare.  That’s why Play is our Work!  All our training staff are part of our award winning team which were 2018 winners at the Scottish Social Services Awards for ‘Excellence in Children’s Services’.  Since 2013 we have been inspiring people at our annual Play Works Conference, to have great fun on the day and take back what they have learned to their own settings. 

We currently deliver SVQ Social Services (Children and Young People) at SCQF Level 7 and bespoke Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training including the mandatory courses – Child Protection, First Aid and Food Hygiene.  We are also an approved training centre with Skills Development Centre (SDS), this enables people to apply for an Individual Training Account (ITA) of £200 which will help pay towards their CPD training.

We deliver to all services within the Chidlcare field.

To book a course contact us through email – and a conformation email will be sent to you.  If the course is full then we will let you know the next available date.  We will keep your details on file and contact you when you require to update your mandatory courses before they run out.  

Training Provider Contact Details

Provider Name: Broxburn Family Centre

Contact Name: Sandra Hartley

Telephone: 01506 857158



Quality Assurance

We are an approved training centre with SQA and receive annual visits from them to ensure we are providing current and best practice with both our awards and workshops.  We follow all SQA’s policies and procedure and are subject to carryout Internal Verification with all our awards. 

All candidates and delegates are asked to complete a survey questionnaire to enable us to make any changes or improvements to the training we deliver.

If anyone is not happy with the training or service we provide then they should contact our Chief Executive in writing to; Family and Community Development West Lothian, 1-3 Henderson Place, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6EY.