Price £5
Delivery Type Online
Training Provider Care and Learning Alliance (CALA)

Supporting Young Children’s Behaviour – information and ideas for Parents

This module offers advice and support to help parent and carers deal effectively and positively with the behaviour of young children. The focus is on what commonly causes challenging behaviours and share strategies to help you support children effectively.


The module is a mixed media presentation which will guide you through key messages in a clear, straightforward and interesting way. Video and audio are used to explain and illustrate important learning points making it an effective and time saving tool to help you understand more about children’s behaviour. You can work at your own pace and revisit the module as often as you like in order to complete your learning.


Throughout the module you will have opportunity to download key documents and any notes you make to refer to as you wish. On completion of the module you will be issued with a certificate for you Continuous Professional Development records.

Training Provider Overview

Care and Learning Alliance, known as CALA have over 25 years’ experience of developing and delivering training and quality assurance as the largest third sector childcare organisation in Highland and Moray. Our course content and delivery include interactive and collaborative strategies to meet all learning styles. All CALA course contribute to Continuous Professional Development and participation certificates are provided.

We have a comprehensive suite of 2 day, full or half day courses to choose from.

Through discussion, we can also create bespoke learning and development days or packages to meet your needs – whether face-to-face or via e-learning.

CALA employs a small team of experienced trainers who work closely with members, providers and local authority colleagues and input to a range of local and national working groups to bring current and relevant learning and development opportunities for ELC practitioners and others working with and for children and families. (E.g. out of school care staff, children’s services workers, childminders, volunteers, parents/carers, health visitors, teachers, youth workers, foster carers.)

A key aim of our work is to increase learner’s knowledge, confidence and engagement in reflective practice to support high-quality provision for children and families and continuous improvement.


Training Provider Contact Details

Provider Name: Care and Learning Alliance (CALA)

Telephone: 01463 22569



Quality Assurance

CALA have developed and established termly Quality Assurance across our organisation through robust and systematic monitoring and self-evaluation, which is overseen by key members from the Senior Management Team and the Improvement Coordinator.

CALA Training Quality Assurance methods ensure:

  1. All training materials and course content meet appropriate standards
  2. Monitoring of all training delivery and training environments meet appropriate standards
  3. The effectiveness of training is monitored, evaluated and client information used to influence in the planning of training and improvement.