Price Free
Delivery Type Online
Training Provider NHS Health Scotland

Child Poverty, Health and Wellbeing eLearning Module

This module aims to raise your awareness of child poverty in Scotland and how poverty can impact on children and young people’s health and wellbeing.  The module will look at causes of child poverty, how it is measured and you will spend time considering your role in tackling child poverty.  The module will provide learning support on child poverty for health visitors and midwives – through both undergraduate programmes in higher education institutions and continuing professional development in Scotland – and support them to consider their role in helping to assist children and their families who are living in poverty and affected by austerity.  In addition, this resource will be particularly relevant to individuals working across health, social care, education, the public sector and people who are in contact with children at work.

Learning outcomes cover:

Describe what child poverty is and what causes it

Outline how child poverty is defined and measured in Scotland

Explain how poverty impacts children and young people’s health and wellbeing

Reflect on your role in reducing the impact of child poverty


The module includes five sections and should take around 2.5 hours to complete

Training Provider Overview

NHS Health Scotland is a national Health Board working to reduce health inequalities and improve health. Our main roles are to provide evidence of what works to reduce health inequalities; work across all sectors in Scotland to put this evidence into action; and support national and local policy makers to design and evaluate interventions that help build a fairer, healthier Scotland.

Our online learning is free to all learners who can access any of our resources by setting up a learner account on our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE):

Training Provider Contact Details

Provider Name: NHS Health Scotland

Telephone: 0141 414 2888



Quality Assurance

The workforce development team at NHS Health Scotland adopt a robust quality assurance process in the development of all their learning resources. The process includes key considerations for learning and development such as meeting legal requirements and policy requirements in learning and development; alignment to our corporate strategy with a focus on raising awareness about or tackling health inequalities; learning and development good practice; implementation and marketing plans; and approaches to evaluation.

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