Price £50 - £450
Delivery Type Online
Training Provider NSPCC Scotland

Introduction to Child Protection (Scotland)

Do you need to understand your role in protecting children and young people in Scotland to keep them safe?

Delivered by experienced professionals, this training course will give you a clear understanding of how to recognise, report and record concerns about a child’s welfare.

You will learn how to:

  • identify what is meant by child abuse and child protection
  • identify the relevant legislation and guidance that provides the framework for protecting Scotland’s children and young people
  • describe the types, signs and indicators of abuse and neglect
  • understand how to respond to concerns about the safety and welfare of children and know who to report to
  • understand the principles of good recording practice.

Choose your learning style

This training is available for individuals or commissioned either face-to-face or as a live virtual session which can be tailored to your organisation's specific needs and delivered for groups of up to 18 people.

Both options are taught by experts and feature the latest legislation, guidance and best practice. So you can choose to learn on location in a dedicated learning space or from the comfort of your own home or office.

Benefits of the course

  • No previous child protection training needed.
  • Choose your training style: live virtual sessions on Zoom with an expert trainer or face-to-face on location.
  • Material specific to Scotland.
  • Incorporates Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) approach.
  • Personalised certificate of achievement.
  • Take away resources to help you protect the children you work or volunteer with.

Training Provider Contact Details

Provider Name: NSPCC Scotland