Price £40.00 Interactive £25.00 eLearning
Delivery Type Face to face
Training Provider Scottish Childminding Association

Achieving Smooth Transitions

Smooth transitions are central to the development and emotional wellbeing of a young child.

The way in which the first transitions are handled could have a significant impact on the child’s capacity to cope with change in the short and long term. This course will introduce the principles of well-planned transitions and of working with parents to ensure that children’s needs are met appropriately.

This course aims to give childminders the support needed to:

·         Identify and acknowledge separation fears of parents, children and stranger anxiety.

·         Identify the need to aid smooth transitions and establishing settling in procedures.

·         Develop an Admissions Policy.

Key learning during this course includes understanding and explaining:

1.    The approach and process for introducing and providing a welcoming atmosphere for families to a childminding service.

2.    The approach to take for setting expectations and boundaries with families and how to provide them with information on service provision.

3.    How to gather information on each child and family during the admissions and settling process.

4.    How to get to know children within a childminding service.

5.    Procedures to deal with transition, be it from home to childminder, childminder to playgroup/nursery/school, or childminder to childminder.

6.    How to ensure continuity of care if a child has a blended childcare plan.

Course outcomes:

When you have completed this course, your core knowledge and understanding will include:

1.    The education curriculum frameworks applicable in Scotland and the requirements of the relevant inspectorates.

2.    The meaning of person-centered/child-centered working and the importance of knowing and respecting all children and young people as an individual.

3.    The prime importance of the interests and wellbeing of children and young people.

4.    The nature and impact of factors that may affect the health, wellbeing and development of children and young people you care for or support.

5.    Factors that promote positive health and wellbeing of children and young people.

6.    Theories underpinning our understanding of child development and learning, and factors that affect it.

Training Provider Overview

We help childminders build on their Continuous Professional Learning. This includes interactive learning courses, e-Learning courses and access to webinars, network meetings, conferences and complimentary courses Taking part in these opportunities enables childminders to take responsibility for both their professional development and that of their childminding service – focusing on children, to help them achieve their full potential. We actively encourage childminders to take the opportunity to build on their knowledge, skills and professional growth throughout their career. SCMA is proud to be a SQA Approved Centre, which means that in addition to providing our own, bespoke learning opportunities, the Learn with SCMA team can also deliver SQA qualifications. The SQA qualification that we currently deliver is the Complete Childminding Learning Pathway - a Work Based Award, which is credit rated at Level 7 on the Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

Training Provider Contact Details

Provider Name: Scottish Childminding Association

Contact Name: Learn with SCMA

Telephone: 01786 445377



Quality Assurance

SCMA are commited to ensuring that on-going quality improvement is an integral part of our organisation. The Learn with SCMA team aims for continuous improvement in the quality of all aspects of its work as part of its determination to help Learners achieve the highest possible standards.

Our Quality Assurance Policy is in place to ensure such continuous improvement through a process of self-evaluation and action planning. The Quality Assurance Policy and associated procedures involves all employees, Learners and collaborative partners such as the Care Inspectorate (CI), Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and Skills Development Scotland (SDS). The quality assurance policy is managed through the existing organisational structure. The quality assurance procedures are founded in a process of regular self-evaluation by teams and internal and external audits and observations, in addition to Learner feedback and local training needs.