Price £40.00 Interactive £25.00 eLearning
Delivery Type Face to face
Training Provider Scottish Childminding Association

GIRFEC into Practice

Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) is a long-term transformational change programme to improve outcomes for Scotland’s children and families. 

The aim of this course is to introduce practice guidance to enable childminders to adopt the child centred approach of GIRFEC. It provides an overview of the GIRFEC approach, looks at the National Practice Model and provides an overview of the child's plan.

This course aims to give childminders the support needed to:

  • Identify the Wellbeing Wheel.
  • Identify the roles of Named Person and the Lead Professional
  • Identify the childminders role and how to put this into practice. 

Key learning during this course includes understanding and explaining:

  1. The current legal requirements surrounding the GIRFEC approach and its primary purpose.
  2. The eight well-being Indicators and the four capacities.
  3. How the GIRFEC My World Triangle would be used in a childminding setting.
  4. The different factors that can affect a child’s wellbeing and development and how to record concerns highlighted whilst following the GIRFEC approach.
  5. How to respond to a concern which is highlighted during assessment of children and family needs.
  6. Your role and responsibilities in working with others in relation to the GIRFEC approach.

Course outcomes

When you have completed this course, your core knowledge and understanding will include:

  1. The transitions that children and young people may go through and the importance of understanding how families feel about needing intervention or specialist help for their child.
  2. How to encourage families to share information and the types of information that can be used to confirm the need for intervention for individual children.
  3. Why it is important that responsibilities for sharing information between practitioners and parents are clearly stated and understood by both parties.
  4. The type of specialist help that is available for families, including financial help.
  5. How to access specialist help and the appropriate channels for doing so.
  6. How to develop positive relationships with professionals and colleagues from other agencies.

Training Provider Overview

We help childminders build on their Continuous Professional Learning. This includes interactive learning courses, e-Learning courses and access to webinars, network meetings, conferences and complimentary courses Taking part in these opportunities enables childminders to take responsibility for both their professional development and that of their childminding service – focusing on children, to help them achieve their full potential. We actively encourage childminders to take the opportunity to build on their knowledge, skills and professional growth throughout their career. SCMA is proud to be a SQA Approved Centre, which means that in addition to providing our own, bespoke learning opportunities, the Learn with SCMA team can also deliver SQA qualifications. The SQA qualification that we currently deliver is the Complete Childminding Learning Pathway - a Work Based Award, which is credit rated at Level 7 on the Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

Training Provider Contact Details

Provider Name: Scottish Childminding Association

Contact Name: Learn with SCMA

Telephone: 01786 445377



Quality Assurance

SCMA are commited to ensuring that on-going quality improvement is an integral part of our organisation. The Learn with SCMA team aims for continuous improvement in the quality of all aspects of its work as part of its determination to help Learners achieve the highest possible standards.

Our Quality Assurance Policy is in place to ensure such continuous improvement through a process of self-evaluation and action planning. The Quality Assurance Policy and associated procedures involves all employees, Learners and collaborative partners such as the Care Inspectorate (CI), Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and Skills Development Scotland (SDS). The quality assurance policy is managed through the existing organisational structure. The quality assurance procedures are founded in a process of regular self-evaluation by teams and internal and external audits and observations, in addition to Learner feedback and local training needs.