What to expect
Developed and updated by our policy team, this section of the site will help you maintain awareness of national policy developments affecting social care and social work services, as well as relevant legislation and the Health and Social Care Standards.
Browse resources including Care Inspectorate publications, guidance, and national strategies and frameworks, related to the social care and social work sector in Scotland.
Care homes can provide all aspects of a person’s accommodation, support, nursing and personal care or support.
Using the drop down menus below, you can filter resources by resource type, relevant topics or date of publication.
AuthorsCare Inspectorate
CategoryGuidance, Care Inspectorate programmes & publications, Care Inspectorate Publication
Here you'll find up-to-date information, resources and guidance to help you in supporting people living with dementia.
CategoryGuidance, Self Evaluation Tools
Improving nutrition and hydration to make every mouthful count is so important for people living in care homes.
AuthorsSocial Work Scotland
CategorySelf-directed Support Library
The Self-Directed Support Framework of Standards consists of a set of standards (including practice statements and core components) written specifically for local authorities to provide them with an overarching structure, aligned to legislation and statutory guidance, for further...
We worked in partnership with Vegetarian for Life to produce new guidance: Good care for vegans and vegetarians. The self-evaluation tool and guidance are based on the Scottish Government’s Health and Social Care Standards. The guidance will be useful for inspectors to inform an ...
CategoryCare Inspectorate Publication, Guidance, Case Study
Film in care provides a practical guide on how to present film to people living in care homes in a way that will be most beneficial to them.
AuthorsScottish Government
CategoryCare Inspectorate Publication, National strategies and frameworks
A strategy providing an insight into what the Care Inspectorate's improvement support offer will be over the next three years and how we will identify where improvements are required
Guidance about the performance of functions under Part 1 of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007
CategorySelf-directed Support Library, Care Inspectorate Publication, Guidance
A guide to support managers and staff in services to develop and improve how personal plans for adults are undertaken
AuthorsNHS Education for Scotland
CategoryNational strategies and frameworks, Guidance
A framework for dementia detailing the knowledge and skills all health and social services staff should aspire to achieve in relation to the role they play in supporting people with a diagnosis of dementia, and their families, and carers
Easy read version of the report of the Independent Review led by Derek Feeley, recommending improvements to adult social care support in Scotland.
CategoryCare Inspectorate Publication, Guidance
Guidance to ensure that premises-based services have clear information on the effective assessment of safe staffing, in line with our quality frameworks, the Health and Social Care Standards, the Health and Care Staffing Scotland Act 2019, and Safety Huddle and Professional Judgm...
Report of the Independent Review led by Derek Feeley, recommending improvements to adult social care support in Scotland.
AuthorsCare Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Guidance for staff on how to communicate with a person to understand their care needs and any information required
AuthorsHealthcare Improvement Scotland
The document updates and replaces the clinical standards on prevention and management of pressure ulcers published by Healthcare Improvement Scotland in 2016 and incorporates advice contained in the (now withdrawn) 2009 Quality Improvement Scotland best practice statement.