QF support services (ncah)
Resource Type Quality Frameworks

A quality framework for support services (not care at home)

The primary purpose of this quality framework is to support services to evaluate their own performance.  Inspectors then use it to provide independent assurance about the quality of care and support.  By setting out what we expect to see in a high-quality service, we can also help support improvement.

We have also produced a set of self-evaluation tools to support services to assess how well they are doing against key areas from our quality framework and highlight where they need to support improved outcomes for people.

Key Question 1. How well do we support people’s wellbeing?

Quality indicator 1.1: People experience compassion, dignity and respect

Charter for Involvement – ARC Scotland  

Children’s human rights – Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland:  Seven golden rules for participation and other rights information  

Guidance document on human rights charter for technology and digital in social care  

Guidance for care providers in Scotland using CCTV (closed circuit television) in their services  

Health and Social Care Standards  

Information from the Scottish Human Rights Commission: Good practice guides  

Mental Welfare Commission 

  • Rights, risks and limits to freedom 
  • Human rights in mental health services 
  • Covert medication 
  • Working with the AWI Act,  
  • Decisions about technology.  

Practice guide: Involving children and young people in improving services  

Scottish Recovery Consortium  

The Promise Scotland  


Quality indicator 1.2: People get the most out of life

Adult protection and social care  

Arts in Care  

Autism strategy for Scotland  

Care About Physical Activity  

Child Sexual Exploitation: Definition and Practitioner Briefing Paper  

Disability Rights UK – doing sports differently  

General standards for neurological care and support 2019  

Indicators of good practice in drug and alcohol services  

Information on supporting people with complex needs and sight loss  

Jenny’s Diary – supporting conversations about dementia with people who have a learning disability  

Let's get active, connected and included resource  

National guidance for child protection in Scotland  

Promoting excellence in dementia care (includes people with a learning disability and dementia)  

Rights, respect and recovery: alcohol and drug treatment strategy  

Scottish recovery network – peer support resources  

See Hear – framework for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment   

Supporting personal relationships   

The keys to life  

Unprotected, overprotected: meeting the needs of young people with learning disabilities who experience, or are at risk of, sexual exploitation 


Quality indicator 1.3: People’s health and wellbeing benefits from their care and support

Accessible health information  

Alcohol related brain damage  

Care of people living with HIV https://hub.careinspectorate.com/media/3865/care-of-people-living-with-hiv-practice-note.pdf 

Holding Safely: A Guide for Residential Child Care Practitioners and Managers about Restraining Children and Young People (SIRCC)  

Hospital Passports:  

Mental Health Strategy for Scotland  

Mental Welfare Commission: Good practice guide - covert medication   

Notifications about controlled drugs: guidance for providers (2015)  

Prompt – assist – administer medication in care settings  

Reset and rebuild:  sexual health and blood borne virus services - recovery plan  

Resources - Eat Well Age WellResources about the prevention, detection and treatment of malnutrition and dehydration amongst older adults living at home in Scotland.  

Rights, respect and recovery: alcohol and drug treatment strategy  

Safe administration of medication: Modules 1-3 (SSSC)  

SCLD Healthy Eating Healthy Living Pack  

Supporting psychological wellbeing in adults with learning disabilities – an educational framework  

Trauma informed practice – National trauma training plan and resources  

You are our eyes and ears:  Pocket guide supporting consistent monitoring and identifying changes in wellbeing.  


Quality Indicator 1.4: People are getting the right service for them

Health and Social Care Standards  

Mental Welfare Commission:  Supported decision making  

Principles of good transitions 3:  Scottish Transitions Forum, including the autism and life shortening conditions supplements.  

Self-directed support guidance  

Self-directed support implementation plan  

Supporting and empowering Scotland’s citizens: National action plan for technology enabled care.  

Understanding personal outcomes  


Quality indicator 1.5: People's health and wellbeing is supported and safeguarded by infection, prevention and control practices

Communication for people with sensory loss during the Covid-19 pandemic: advice for health and social care staff. 

Covid-19: information and guidance for social, community and residential care settings  

Guidance on prevention and control of clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in health and social care settings in Scotland   

HAI Compendium Guidance and resources  

Healthcare Improvement Scotland: Infection prevention and control standards  

Key measures for infection prevention and control: A guide for social care workers providing care in an individual’s home.  

National infection prevention and control manual (NIPCM)  

Records services (except childminding) must keep and guidance on notification reporting  

Key Question 2. How good is our leadership?

Key Question 3. How good is our staff team?

Key Question 4. How good is our setting?

Key Question 5. How well is our care planned?

We held a webinar on 21 April 2023 for people working in support services (not care at home). The webinar explained the changes made within the updated Quality framework for support services (not care at home), and also introduced staff to the self-evaluation toolkit which had emerged from the learnings of our previous work on Covid-19 Self-evaluation toolkit for key question 7 and from discussions with services and inspectors.

Quality improvement programmes and topics

Quality improvement activity led by the Care Inspectorate, including recent practice resources and initiatives

Adult day care

Support services offered within a care home, centre or directly in the community can help people who need support, or simply company and friendship

Adults and older people

An overview of major developments in policy areas relating to services for adults and older people